
Make payments as easily as sending an email

Boost your financial flexibility by making much simpler transactions

Open an account in only a few minutes!

Make the most of your wallet

Add euros to your wallet

from a European bank account - coming soon!

Top-up your wallet

with other currencies, including USDC, Bitcoin or Stellar Lumens.

Transfer funds

around the globe using your currency of choice.

Our features


Financial transactions reach lightning speeds when powered by the blockchain.


You are the only one in control of your account - even the most determined malicious entities are kept at bay.

Low fees

Send more by paying less.


Your ebioro wallet is accessible anywhere, anytime.

How it works

Download the app for free and setup an account in minutes.

Top-up your wallet via bank transfer or credit card.
Send and receive the currencies of your choice among your contacts effortlessly.

Buy and sell cryptocurrencies while keeping track of your investment progress all in one place via your ebioro wallet.

Exchange cryptocurrencies amongst your peers as much as you like with the touch of a button.
Cash-in your currencies at your bank account whenever you like.

Let's get started

Join ebioro with a personal account.

© 2023 Ebioro UAB

Ebioro UAB (registration number 305994333) is a limited liability company having its registered office at Laisves pr. 60, Vilnius, Lithuania. Ebioro UAB is registered in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Lithuania as virtual currency depository wallet operator and virtual currency exchange operator.